Saturday, December 25, 2010


I twisted my body and turned,to look at her walking away with those weird looking gorillas.
I turned and saw her wicked smile cursing me with a sign,that says...
I stopped walking and called up her name but failed.
I never stopped staring,
i gave her my word that she will never be misleaded by pretty things.
I kept it with me and gave her a symbol,without expecting anything in return.
I walked away but footsteps from behind,shakened by fear i turn to look nothing was there,
I kept it with me and stayed simple and asked to be guided to her position.
I still believed,i could help although she kept telling me lies.
but these streets are owned by those who seek respect by force.
I kept walking with fright but frustration for i wasnt able to help.
Should i feel guilty or smile for she saw the good side in me and i looked away.
That would be a lie for i was honest with her but she kept lying to me.
Yet i listened and finally she arrived,hope safe and sound,with no pain or regret.
I was patient and careful,
i wasnt fooled by her pretty face.
I wasnt fooled by her sweet talks and hugs when i paid attention to her state,while she keeps holding me close,
i kept moving away,telling her to head home and rest.
I still feel humiliated,for they thought i was taking adventage of you,but glad i am that you reached home.You saw the next day with no regrets and pain,"i hope shes okay''.

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