The melting of ice and a cloud over my thoughts,
if only i had not swallowed the sun and spit on the moon,darkness
would not be brighter.
Running around naked at night because no eyes can tell the difference,
picturing paradise where fear never makes an impressive entrence nor
will it ever be.
When one takes a journey to the east a taste of his footsteps lingers
in the west althou his from the south.
It takes a minute to say sorry but which language says it better....
how typical,
it hasnt been historical.
Calculating each moment i spend reading through those stars,
renaming each shower as i wish it can be as a wishing.
All he wanted was to walk alone or beside you with no fear of harm,
all he could ever want would be for you to say sorry...
If this hasnt been a true journey then it never ends because our
stories have changed from time to time,
and his words never did like yours and mine...go on imbark on your
farewell to the past and send gift to your future,
for the present generation so the ice will not melt.
Picture this the transformation of our memories into paradise only
happier times...just like a dream...typical.
you sound angry boy,calm down lol hala da-walk its me Pule i see your still doing your thing.Keep it up and i'll keep on reading.
Aiyt boy hala lol u know me always tearing up inside but its all pityful,i can walk over it.anyways thanks brother keep intouch and your eyes around,much love.
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